Mariannhill Monastery Museum

by Natalie Rowles, KZN

Mariannhill Monastery Museum

This afternoon I went for a a quick visit to the Mariannhill Monastery’s Museum and took some photos of the rock art of the Bushmen.

These rocks were cut out of huge rocks and brought down to the Mariannhill Monastery to be preserved at their Museum as these rock art were showing signs of being damaged, either by people or by Nature.

These rocks are locked up in a glass showcase and the light shining on the glass makes taking photos a bit difficult – so I apologize for the poor quality of these photos.

I’ve taken these photos just in case something happens to these rock art, then I still have photos to fall back on for future generations’ information.

There is also a map showing the areas where these rocks came from, which was hand-drawn of the areas at that time.

Hand-drawn sketches were made of some rock art which were the only medium to record them too.

Please use your camera and record daily events i.e. beautiful old buildings being in the process of been demolished, etc. so it may become valuable future historical information/events too.

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